Sunday, March 15, 2009

C'etait Salement Romantique.

Ah, Sundays.  Such a relaxing time.  God was really a genius when He decided to take a day of rest.  Look at me: calling God a genius as if I had any right to commend Him when He did a good job, or judge Him when I think He's in the wrong.  When put that way, I really come to see how insignificant I am.  It's terrifying, and amazingly comforting all at the same time.   

So, I woke up to snow this morning.  Yes, snow.  In the middle of March.  In Washington.  Insanity, I know.  But, God's got His own sense of humor, so I decided to find it entertaining.  Besides, when summer hits I'll be begging for cold weather again.  I might as well enjoy it now while I can.

On another note, I've come to realize that going to an exceedingly liberal, Jesus-hating institution for an education has made me quite different.  It's not that I've abandoned my beliefs in any way, but I've come to understand how the other side lives.  I still don't agree with them and I still believe that they are wrong in every way, but if I expect them to agree with me both politically and spiritually, I can't go around hating them or putting down what they believe to be true.  Instead, I need to take my cue from Paul and "be all things to all people".  So, I've broadened my view, while still maintaining my values.  And I've noticed that I tend to see things (and people) in a more positive light, instead of being so concerned of condemning them.  This has created a lot of friction in my small group.  It's been very apparent that I'm more of a "fight", rather than "flight", type of person.  So, I tend to speak my mind and defend those who still have a chance.  Seeing as how I'm one of the only ones, it's usually me against everyone else.    I've quickly learned how difficult it is to be out-on-your-own.  But, I really feel that standing up for these people and reaching out to them is what I'm meant to do, for now at least.  

So, I've got finals this coming week.  This quarter was easy-ish, so they aren't so bad.  But, I do still have four of them to complete.  None of them are completely finished yet, but I have two that just need a little tweaking before they are turn-in ready.  One of mine that is due on Tuesday has not even been started, but I am the queen of procrastination, so it'll get done on time.  I seem to thrive on the late-night deadlines.  Ah, I'll put it out of my mind for now.  Why worry when I can put if off and blog instead?

I've been thinking this week that I wish I could blog about music.  It's not that I'm incapable of it, I just don't ever know what to say.  Well, that's not entirely true.  I seem to have a never-ending supply of things to say, just nothing profound enough for others to consider stimulating.  One of these days I'll be profound enough to start a blog like that, but until then I'll stick to reading others, and playing the Gold Star Challenge.  Close enough for me.

There's so much more I could say, but I'll leave it at that for now.  If I gold back, it'll give me a better reason to come back and write again, which is something that I really should do.  It's that little bit of a release that keeps me going.  Ah, the power of words again displayed.


kerri said...

Coeur de Pirate


Vogue218 said...

Couer de Pirate. Damn you, Kerri.

Laura Grace said...

Well done, Kerri.
Besides, I thought of you when I picked out this artist. After all, it is about pirates.