Monday, May 7, 2007

I hate everything about you.

Here are my pet peeves as they stand

1. People who drive at least five miles under the speed limit. Just because they are afraid of getting a ticket (or just too darn old to be driving) does not mean that they need to punish everyone else around them. It's cruel and unusual.
2. People who say that "they don't have time to watch tv", because we all know that it's a backhanded remark to those who actually do have the time to watch tv. It's like saying, "Well, I have more important things to do with my time, and besides I look down upon those who chose to enjoy it, because I am that much of a self-centered egomaniac". 'Nuff said.
3. People who do not wash their hands after using a restroom, especially public ones. There are enough diseases in the world without having to add to their numbers.

So, those are the only really pressing issues on my mind at the moment. I'm sure that I could think of more later, but I'll just add to this when necessary. Which, with my luck lately, shall be very soon.