Yes, it's been 14 months since I last posted. While it may it seem like I had an actual life, the sad truth is that I just didn't/don't. Since last August not only have I turned from an assistant coach to a head coach at a high school (go alma mater!), graduated with a BFA in Interior Design, and found 2+ jobs (which I may or may not be getting paid), but I was also kicked out of my church. Yep, you heard it. I was given the boot.
I'm so excited about a ton of my accomplishments, but getting asked to stop attending an institution (that for all intents and purposes, was my home) was probably the hardest thing to go through. Since last November, I have been sifting through church after church, trying to decipher which one fit me best, and where God wanted me to be (it's amazing how silent God can be when you really need Him to be the most vocal). Name a church in the Kent/Covington/Maple Valley area, and I've been there. Or, I've at least ruled them out from their website (yes, I know the whole 'book by it's cover' argument...blah, blah, blah). There are a few that have sparked my interest, but for the most part it's been a downright disappointment. Had I only had the foresight to post them all on here, it would have been a roller coaster of a ride, from the downright depressing to the absolute hilarious. Props to SJ and CK for putting up with all the crazy-ness with me.
Anyways, I'm no closer to finding a new home than I was 11 months ago. And there are times when it downright hurts, I won't deny that. But, I'm usually such a Debbie Downer, that I've been trying to keep my chin up. And you know, it's actually working. I've got a ton of great things going for me, and while it's not perfect, I kind of love it.
I'm coaching 13(ish) high school girls how to play soccer. It's a daily struggle to be an example for them, as well as teach them not only the fundamentals of this glorious game, but also how to be young Godly women. Anyone can teach them how to play soccer. My goal is to instruct them in how to persevere, be dedicated to one another, and be responsible. I guess I'm a little optimistic when it comes to them.
Well, I'm starting to ramble, so I'll sign out. Sorry it's been so long, but I'm betting that the three of you who actually read this aren't too terribly worried. After all, CW got a super-serious bf, RB moved back to Washington (thank the Lord!) and KL got married! Woohoo! So excited for all of you! Loves, and we'll talk soon.
First comment! And that title is to vague to narrow it down to any particular song. Is it the one from Roger's and Hammerstein's Cinderella?
Ooh, sorry about the vague-ness. It made sense to me, because I was listening to this artist's newly released album at the time. Think "Laura's-favorite-artist-ever".
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