It's been snowing lately. Now, I use that term very lightly, because to really call what we've been getting "snow" is a bit of an overstatement. It's basically uber-cold water, that hopes to one day become snow. Overall, it's a poseur. Just your average slush. Even still, it's at least nice to see it while it falls down. Always with such grace. Ah...
So, fyi: I have been watching Gossip Girl. And I'm not going to lie. I actually like it, a lot. In fact, it's pretty addicting in its own way. I must admit that I've been a little remiss in the past few weeks of watching, but I'm betting I can catch up online. I mean, that's what the internet was created for, right? If not for watching television shows that were missed, then what? Oh, and feel free to judge me at any time. We all know that you have your own guilty-pleasure-show that you love too. You just can't bring yourself to say it out loud.

I've decided to take a small, albeit completely accurate survey. It's of the utmost importance. Not even kidding. It's about purses. (I realize that I've lost most of you right there, but if you'll hang on just a little bit longer, I promise it'll be fun!) Anyways, I recently had a conversation with some guys about the size of girls' purses. Apparently, the larger the purse, the more high maintenance the girl is. And the smaller the purse, the less high maintenance. Now, after quickly (and slightly biased) scanning some of my girlfriends in my mind, I've found that this theory holds up quite well. This is the part where you come in. Just let me know if this is true for you and your experience also. It's not like it's life-or-death crucial, but still way funny. Like, belly-shaking funny.

See? Doesn't this just SCREAM "high maintenance"? Yeah, I thought so. Completely fair and average example.
That's basically all. I mean, there's way more things I could go into, but I'm just a little too tired to go into more. In fact, it may not even be that. For all I know, it could be that I'm feeling pretty darn good right now, and everything else I have to say is a bit of a downer. So, maybe it's good that I leave now. Well, I'll be back...
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