So, I went to church tonight. Just saying that sentence makes me feel good all over. I'm glad I have that again. Anyways, at night I go to Mars Hill, which I'm sure I've mentioned before. Can I just say "wonderful"? Not only is the atmosphere incredibly welcoming and comfortable, but I feel a sense of conviction there that I just don't get other places. There's something about the teaching at that church that really hits me. Granted, Pastor Mark's delivery is quite amusing, but if it were only that, it wouldn't keep me coming back. I think it's all about the fact that nothing is sugar-coated or glossed over. It's hard-hitting, accurate theology. Before this church, I can't even remember when I felt so convicted every week. And I have to say as scary as that is, it's one of the best feelings as well.
Anyways, this current series we're going over is called "Religion Saves + Nine Other Misconceptions". Not only is the title brilliant, but the subjects are too. Pastor Mark is covering nine questions that the church body asked and then voted on. The top nine were chosen for this series (kind of like a take off on the book of Corinthians, with the apostle Paul answering that church's questions). This is the third week, and it was all about predestination. Now, I've always believed that God foreknew us and saved us, with absolutely no help from us. Because, if we had had a part in it, then it would have shown God to need us, which He clearly doesn't. Anyways, even though I'd always held this position to be true, I never understood it till tonight. It isn't a game of "duck, duck, damn", but rather God reaching out and saving us by GRACE. How amazingly awesome is that? Mere words cannot even say. And although I still do not have the knowledge to argue one position over the other, I know have the faith to believe one over the other. And that is comforting enough.
There's so much more I could go into, but I just can't right now. Sleepy eyes and lack proper grammer skills at this time of night. Check out their site to download the sermon. It's definitely worth it. Or check with iTunes. You won't be disappointed.
...blah blah blah... It's how I feel too. At least there's good music.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
This world sold it's faith for parking lots and drunk sincerity.
I'm allowed to have not-so-good days, right? Well, I sure hope so, because the past few days definitely qualified. Nothing big all at once, but just lots and lots of little things that kept falling on me. Like, when you're out in the rain and it's not coming down in sheets, but just enough so you can't wipe the water away from your eyes. That kind of bad day.
Well, I guess I'll start with some of the good type things. I went to a Doorstep event today, which is always rewarding in itself. I got to help with the eye exams, by filling out the forms and putting them in order when they were done. Anyways, it's nice to feel necessary, you know? It wasn't much, but just enough to make me smile.
It really all went downhill from there. I guess I can basically categorize the not-so-goodness into three categories: surface, internal, and soul-breaking sadness. Surface-wise, the Seahawks lost, 20-42, against the Packers. Yeah, it did suck that bad. I always have a positive outlook when it comes to my guys in blue, but it's really hard when everyone else around doesn't share that same view. It makes me feel sad, and breaks little bits of my confidence and enjoyment of the game and throws them away. I know that sounds a little dramatic, but I like feeling good about things. And I feel like I shouldn't anymore, you know? I guess it's a little tough to explain...
As far as internally, it's just been Christians who have been letting me down. Now, I firmly believe that no matter what people around me do, I will always believe in Jesus. After all, he's the only one that is perfect, and therefore the only one we should look too. But, there's usually a couple people who you put on that pedestal, kind of a current day example of what it means to live out Christ. Well, I have some friends like that. And I found out that everything I thought I knew about them was a lie. I believed them to be holy, upright and pure. Instead, I found them to be liars, cheaters and downright immoral. I didn't even know what to do. I no longer can trust a single thing they tell me, because everything I knew before was a lie. That basis of truth that I had is shattered, and I don't feel like investing the time to help rebuild it. I'm just too tired. Wow, that sounds incredibly selfish.
And now we get to the big kahuna: my soul-breaking sadness. (If you know me, I tend to be a little over-dramatic, but go with it. Sometimes, I actually hit it right on the nose.) Anyways, I found out recently that the church some of my friends go to believes that my church (Mars Hill in Seattle) is a cult. I've never talked to me friends about this, so I don't know if they believe this or not. If they don't, why would they keep attending and pledging themselves to a church that professes something other than what they hold to be true? And if they do think I am in a cult by attending my church, why wouldn't they try and stop me? If I had a friend trapped in a cult, I would do everything I could to get them out of it. I just don't see why they won't do the same for me. I guess it all comes down to someone caring enough to fight for you. And, as my friends that I've freely chosen, I had hoped they would care enough. When I was in high school, my guidance counselor always told me that I had no problem making friends. My only problem was meeting someone, and making them a lifelong friend, whether they wanted to or not. It's a blessing in some ways, but also a curse. (That's for you Monk fans out there.) I don't know when to let go, because in my mind, there is no time limit. Maybe I need to learn.
Ah. I feel somewhat better now. It's all out, and no longer bouncing around my head. It was starting to get dark and scary in there. Thanks for listening.
Well, I guess I'll start with some of the good type things. I went to a Doorstep event today, which is always rewarding in itself. I got to help with the eye exams, by filling out the forms and putting them in order when they were done. Anyways, it's nice to feel necessary, you know? It wasn't much, but just enough to make me smile.
It really all went downhill from there. I guess I can basically categorize the not-so-goodness into three categories: surface, internal, and soul-breaking sadness. Surface-wise, the Seahawks lost, 20-42, against the Packers. Yeah, it did suck that bad. I always have a positive outlook when it comes to my guys in blue, but it's really hard when everyone else around doesn't share that same view. It makes me feel sad, and breaks little bits of my confidence and enjoyment of the game and throws them away. I know that sounds a little dramatic, but I like feeling good about things. And I feel like I shouldn't anymore, you know? I guess it's a little tough to explain...
As far as internally, it's just been Christians who have been letting me down. Now, I firmly believe that no matter what people around me do, I will always believe in Jesus. After all, he's the only one that is perfect, and therefore the only one we should look too. But, there's usually a couple people who you put on that pedestal, kind of a current day example of what it means to live out Christ. Well, I have some friends like that. And I found out that everything I thought I knew about them was a lie. I believed them to be holy, upright and pure. Instead, I found them to be liars, cheaters and downright immoral. I didn't even know what to do. I no longer can trust a single thing they tell me, because everything I knew before was a lie. That basis of truth that I had is shattered, and I don't feel like investing the time to help rebuild it. I'm just too tired. Wow, that sounds incredibly selfish.
And now we get to the big kahuna: my soul-breaking sadness. (If you know me, I tend to be a little over-dramatic, but go with it. Sometimes, I actually hit it right on the nose.) Anyways, I found out recently that the church some of my friends go to believes that my church (Mars Hill in Seattle) is a cult. I've never talked to me friends about this, so I don't know if they believe this or not. If they don't, why would they keep attending and pledging themselves to a church that professes something other than what they hold to be true? And if they do think I am in a cult by attending my church, why wouldn't they try and stop me? If I had a friend trapped in a cult, I would do everything I could to get them out of it. I just don't see why they won't do the same for me. I guess it all comes down to someone caring enough to fight for you. And, as my friends that I've freely chosen, I had hoped they would care enough. When I was in high school, my guidance counselor always told me that I had no problem making friends. My only problem was meeting someone, and making them a lifelong friend, whether they wanted to or not. It's a blessing in some ways, but also a curse. (That's for you Monk fans out there.) I don't know when to let go, because in my mind, there is no time limit. Maybe I need to learn.
Ah. I feel somewhat better now. It's all out, and no longer bouncing around my head. It was starting to get dark and scary in there. Thanks for listening.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Most girls blend in. We prefer to make a scene.
Ah, so many things to say. And such a lack of eloquence with which to do so. It's been a while, but now I'm back to continue my rambling.
It's been snowing lately. Now, I use that term very lightly, because to really call what we've been getting "snow" is a bit of an overstatement. It's basically uber-cold water, that hopes to one day become snow. Overall, it's a poseur. Just your average slush. Even still, it's at least nice to see it while it falls down. Always with such grace. Ah...
So, fyi: I have been watching Gossip Girl. And I'm not going to lie. I actually like it, a lot. In fact, it's pretty addicting in its own way. I must admit that I've been a little remiss in the past few weeks of watching, but I'm betting I can catch up online. I mean, that's what the internet was created for, right? If not for watching television shows that were missed, then what? Oh, and feel free to judge me at any time. We all know that you have your own guilty-pleasure-show that you love too. You just can't bring yourself to say it out loud.

I've decided to take a small, albeit completely accurate survey. It's of the utmost importance. Not even kidding. It's about purses. (I realize that I've lost most of you right there, but if you'll hang on just a little bit longer, I promise it'll be fun!) Anyways, I recently had a conversation with some guys about the size of girls' purses. Apparently, the larger the purse, the more high maintenance the girl is. And the smaller the purse, the less high maintenance. Now, after quickly (and slightly biased) scanning some of my girlfriends in my mind, I've found that this theory holds up quite well. This is the part where you come in. Just let me know if this is true for you and your experience also. It's not like it's life-or-death crucial, but still way funny. Like, belly-shaking funny.

See? Doesn't this just SCREAM "high maintenance"? Yeah, I thought so. Completely fair and average example.
That's basically all. I mean, there's way more things I could go into, but I'm just a little too tired to go into more. In fact, it may not even be that. For all I know, it could be that I'm feeling pretty darn good right now, and everything else I have to say is a bit of a downer. So, maybe it's good that I leave now. Well, I'll be back...
It's been snowing lately. Now, I use that term very lightly, because to really call what we've been getting "snow" is a bit of an overstatement. It's basically uber-cold water, that hopes to one day become snow. Overall, it's a poseur. Just your average slush. Even still, it's at least nice to see it while it falls down. Always with such grace. Ah...
So, fyi: I have been watching Gossip Girl. And I'm not going to lie. I actually like it, a lot. In fact, it's pretty addicting in its own way. I must admit that I've been a little remiss in the past few weeks of watching, but I'm betting I can catch up online. I mean, that's what the internet was created for, right? If not for watching television shows that were missed, then what? Oh, and feel free to judge me at any time. We all know that you have your own guilty-pleasure-show that you love too. You just can't bring yourself to say it out loud.

I've decided to take a small, albeit completely accurate survey. It's of the utmost importance. Not even kidding. It's about purses. (I realize that I've lost most of you right there, but if you'll hang on just a little bit longer, I promise it'll be fun!) Anyways, I recently had a conversation with some guys about the size of girls' purses. Apparently, the larger the purse, the more high maintenance the girl is. And the smaller the purse, the less high maintenance. Now, after quickly (and slightly biased) scanning some of my girlfriends in my mind, I've found that this theory holds up quite well. This is the part where you come in. Just let me know if this is true for you and your experience also. It's not like it's life-or-death crucial, but still way funny. Like, belly-shaking funny.

See? Doesn't this just SCREAM "high maintenance"? Yeah, I thought so. Completely fair and average example.
That's basically all. I mean, there's way more things I could go into, but I'm just a little too tired to go into more. In fact, it may not even be that. For all I know, it could be that I'm feeling pretty darn good right now, and everything else I have to say is a bit of a downer. So, maybe it's good that I leave now. Well, I'll be back...
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