Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Again? Seriously? SERIOUSLY???

So, good news. I've technically got ANOTHER blog, but this time it's not just my ramblings. There's actually a purpose to the other one. It's for the young adults group at my church. I figured it'd be the least I could do to help and get event info to everyone. So, if you go to Faith, or just want to show up at the events, you are more than welcome. Check out the site and let me know what you think...

Monday, February 11, 2008

Well, hopefully the hate subsides and the love can begin.

So many new things ALL happening at the same time. Let's see if I can keep them straight...

Well, I just started a new job. I'm now an official host at Red Robin ("Thanks for joining us today. How many in your party?"). It's not a tough job, and I like it enough. The other girls that I host with are nice, albeit young and completely immoral. I'm just praying that God gives me a heart like His to love and encourage them in the right way. So, it should be interesting.

Also, I'm starting school again! For all of you who said it would never happen, shame on you. Just kidding. But seriously... Anyways, I start next Monday at IADT Seattle. I'm going for my BFA, with a major in Interior Design (feel free to toss out the "art hippie freak" jokes now. Believe me, I've heard them all already). It's really something that I have a passion for, and I can't wait for it to start. It too will be interesting, though. Every time I've been to the school for various things, I find that I'm the one who looks like the stereotypical "normal" kid. And let's face it: I've never been that "normal" one before. It's not that I'm over the top extravagant, I'm just usually the one that everyone I know pegs as the "unusual" one. And I've been okay with that. So, it'll be different to be on the outside for another reason.

And I was supposed to have gone to Spokane last weekend, but alas it did not work out. The passes were so full of snow, that all three heading East were closed basically the entire weekend. Apparently, it's the first time it's been that bad in over 11 years. Of all weekends.... Oh, well. God has a purpose for everything, huh?

And I know I've said it before, but I cannot get over how amazing my church is. Last night, Pastor Mark spoke on faith and works. Listen to the podcast. You won't be disappointed. And if you miss the salvation message in it, you clearly weren't even listening. It was so blatantly obvious, and I smiled the ENTIRE time. And a big part was talking about regeneration, or the work that God does IN us. He gives us a new heart and new desires which coincide with what he wants for us. So amazing on so many levels.

Well, I guess that's all. Ah, to ramble and get it all out feels so good. And refreshing. I should do this more often.