Anyways, I have started to run across these absolutely hilarious photos and phrases. Wow, when I first saw them I seriously thought it was too good to be true. I almost cried I laughed so hard. They're all these old, retro-looking photos of housewives doing routine things, but with serious sarcasm laced over-top. I'll share my favorites. These first five are all ones that I feel can describe me, almost perfectly. After you read them, you'll get the idea.

So, as you can see, not only were those perfect (and practically life-altering over here), but pretty much the funniest thing since....well, er....actually, there really never has been anything as funny as that. And while going through all of them, not only did I find those, but I also found some that are absolutely representative of people I know. In fact, some of them are so-on-the-nose that it's almost scary. I'm not going to say who they are, but if you think you're one of them...well, let's face it: you probably are. And I'll tell you, if you really have to know. Haha.

So, that's that. Sorry that it was an uber-long post. But, most of it was photos anyways, so it's not like it was a big deal. It's like those thick children's books that are all pictures, and like three words. Seems intense at first, but when you really get down to it, it doesn't say a thing. Basically the same as this, except the kids probably wouldn't get the humor.