Sunday, December 30, 2007

Caffeine first, darling...then we'll pretend to listen to each other.

Ugh. Yeah, that's basically it. My current feeling. I went to a wedding today, which although very pretty, was one of the worst ones I've ever been to. Don't get me wrong: I absolutely love the bride and her family. Very close friends for a long time. But, most of the people that attended were people I went to high school with. And frankly, if I wanted to still talk to them, I would. But since I don't, then it really wasn't that great to see them. Just a bunch of snotty, private school kids. No one ever grows up. They just get older, and have more responsibilities. So, it was just a "ugh" kind of evening. There. I vented. Happy now?

Anyways, I have started to run across these absolutely hilarious photos and phrases. Wow, when I first saw them I seriously thought it was too good to be true. I almost cried I laughed so hard. They're all these old, retro-looking photos of housewives doing routine things, but with serious sarcasm laced over-top. I'll share my favorites. These first five are all ones that I feel can describe me, almost perfectly. After you read them, you'll get the idea.

So, as you can see, not only were those perfect (and practically life-altering over here), but pretty much the funniest thing since....well, er....actually, there really never has been anything as funny as that. And while going through all of them, not only did I find those, but I also found some that are absolutely representative of people I know. In fact, some of them are so-on-the-nose that it's almost scary. I'm not going to say who they are, but if you think you're one of them...well, let's face it: you probably are. And I'll tell you, if you really have to know. Haha.

So, that's that. Sorry that it was an uber-long post. But, most of it was photos anyways, so it's not like it was a big deal. It's like those thick children's books that are all pictures, and like three words. Seems intense at first, but when you really get down to it, it doesn't say a thing. Basically the same as this, except the kids probably wouldn't get the humor.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

I won't regret saying this...It is better than keeping my mouth shut.

Today was suprisingly a good day. It's been a long time since I've had one of those. Although I had to wake up before the crack of dawn, and drive all the way to Des Moines, it was still wonderful. I drove a friend to a test, where I had to wait to be the ride home as well. Anyways, I got to spend some quality time just sitting in the car, watching a movie and relaxing. And that was only in the morning. Then, by God's good grace, I got to talk to Laura today, which was amazing. It's hard to not get to talk to your best friend all the time, so to actually connect and speak (as opposed to leaving voicemails) was perfect. God knew that I needed it today, more than ever. So, it was a blessing, and I can't thank her enough for spending that hour on the phone with me. California never seemed so far away.

Oh, and on an unrelated and completely useless note, I found out the most wonderful thing today. Granted, it was only on Wikipedia, so it can't be trusted implicitly, but it still sounds amazingly cool regardless. So, you know the actor Penn Badgley (John Tucker Must Die, Gossip Girl, etc.)? Well, apparently he spent part of his childhood growing up in Seattle. And as if that were not enough, he also attended Charles Wright Academy. Anyone who attended private school would recognize that name immediately, because we played them all the time in sports back in middle school and high school. How great is that? I could have been in the same room with him at one point and never known. Wow, small world. And it's seriously too bad that I missed out.

I guess that's all. As I said, today was a surprisingly happy day. Chalk it up to friend talks on telephones, small world scenarios with attractive actors, and God just knowing where I was and meeting me there. The end.

Monday, October 22, 2007

If I'm silly, then you're dangerously unbalanced.

So, I am one of those sick people who love commercials. You know, those pesky interruptions during your favorite television shows which you all claim to never watch? Yeah, those things. And by that I mean, I love only certain commercials. Some are just so hilarious, and/or inspiring that you can't help but laugh or swoon whenever you see them. So, in honor of those little vignettes that are life-altering, I've decided to post them on here. Enjoy them. Or don't. It's your choice.

As "dark and twisty" as this commercial is, I cannot help but laugh myself absolutely silly whenever I see it. I mean, those little cannibalistic children are so sweet and innocent looking, that you'd never expect it. And besides, what parent allows their kid to invite one of their friends over, just so they can eat them for desert? Yeah, it's great. I love this more than you could possibly know.

Not only do I adore Peyton Manning, but I love Mastercard commercials. It makes me want to break out and say things are "priceless" on a regular basis. And Peyton could not be funnier than he is here. I mean, who wouldn't love to go and do that in real life? Wow, amazing stuff.

So, this guy is probably one of the most unobservant people on the entire planet, and that is what makes it so great. His complete lack of tact and severely diminished social skills make this one of the best commercials. It will forever have me using the catchphrase "Hey, homeslice".

Don't get me wrong. I don't believe that if everyone in the world suddenly did nice things for each other that everything would be automatically perfect. I just really like this commercial not only because I love this song, but because I like the idea of doing nice things for others, just cause. Not out of obligation, but out of the goodness of their own hearts. [insert sappy sigh here].

This is by far one of the funniest commercials I have EVER seen. Granted, you have to be able to make fun of Germans and understand puns at the same time, but still. The greatness of this clip really cannot be measured. In fact, my mere words seem to be clouding it all right now. It's just that good. Oh, yeah.

Well, I guess that's all for today. I'm off to practice, which should prove to be very exciting and hopefully worthwhile today. I mean, one can only hope so much, right?

[edit]: Practice was a little less worthwhile than expected. Not only did I have one third of my girls not show, but the other coach didn't come, and it was just blah. So, there.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It's a very, very blustery day.

So, I absolutely adore windstorms.
There's just something about them, that really makes me happy.
I don't know if it's the constant chaos, or the lack of control.
Regardless, I feel amazing when it's happening.
I love sitting in my room, looking out my window, and just watching the trees bend and sway in ways that they could not do on their own.
There's just this awe that overwhelms me to witness something so powerful, yet completely invisible.
It leaves me speechless.
Well, as much as anything can really do.

Friday, October 12, 2007

If I could, I would erase it all...

So, I coach soccer at my old middle school. It's rewarding, and some days are absolutely amazing. Other days, it ends like this. Heartbreaking and wanting to scream from the inside out. So, two of my girls came up to me when I arrived, just to talk. And one of them had a small pencil that had been sharpened to within at inch of the eraser. The metal at the end had been bent so that it formed a point, sharp enough to cut. She told me that she took it away from one of her friends, because he was trying to cut himself in class. Luckily, he walked up to talk to us right then. I told him to show me his wrists, and he had two scratches from today, but no previous scars. He instantly got frightened, and begged with me not to tell his principal. I told him that I wouldn't for today, but that I would check in on him every day from now on. I promised him that if I ever saw anything more serious, I would tell someone immediately. I've never been so scared, and actively praying as I have today for this boy.

My heart sank like a rock. It's not like he's my own kid, but I really feel for these students at the school. They're just like any other people that just want someone to listen to them and pay attention every once and awhile. I'm so glad I can be there for them, but at the same time I'm scared as ever. I don't know if the decision I made is right, but it's the path I've chosen, and I can only pray that God will take care of the rest.

Wow, it felt really good to get that off my chest. See what I mean about blogs being the perfect listeners? Heavensent.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

This is "random" at it's best. You think I'm kidding, huh?

Have I ever mentioned how much I love blogs?
I mean, it's like always having that one person who will listen to you whenever you have a problem.
And the best thing about it it, they never try to fix what's wrong.
They never give bad advice, or tell you you're being a loser.
They just listen, silently.
Ah, it's the perfect relationship.

And, moving on...
Last week at church, we started the book of Philippians.
Can I just say how excited I was for that?
It's not only one of my favorite books already, but I can tell it's also going to be an amazing series.
They're calling it "A Rebel's Guide To Joy", which is perfect in about a million ways.
Wow, I can't even wait.
I'm smiling right now just thinking about it.

I've been listening to the new Tegan and Sara songs lately.
I love them.
Regardless of what anyone else thinks about their music, I will still like it.
I enjoy being secure enough to stand my ground and appreciate good music.
If others don't like them, it's their own fault.
And they are severely missing out.

Also, for those of you who don't know, I'm not a huge Joel Osteen fan.
I've seen enough people come into Christian Supply and buy his book to know that I never want to get on that train.
While I would never slander his name (regardless of how false I think he is), I found this to be quite humorous.
Hope you enjoy too.

Well, I guess that's all for now.
The end.
"...and then I found $5..."

Thursday, September 6, 2007

A Franciscan Benediction

May God bless you with discomfort
At easy answers, half-truths, and superficial relationships
So that you may live deep within your heart.

May God bless you with anger
At injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people,
So that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.

May God bless you with tears
To shed for those who suffer pain, rejection, hunger and war,
So that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and
To turn their pain into joy.

And may God bless you with enough foolishness
To believe that you can make a difference in the world,
So that you can do what others claim cannont be done
To bring justice and kindness to all our children and the poor.

[Got this from the Modesty Writers Guild. Thought it'd be helpful later. Who knows.]

Monday, May 7, 2007

I hate everything about you.

Here are my pet peeves as they stand

1. People who drive at least five miles under the speed limit. Just because they are afraid of getting a ticket (or just too darn old to be driving) does not mean that they need to punish everyone else around them. It's cruel and unusual.
2. People who say that "they don't have time to watch tv", because we all know that it's a backhanded remark to those who actually do have the time to watch tv. It's like saying, "Well, I have more important things to do with my time, and besides I look down upon those who chose to enjoy it, because I am that much of a self-centered egomaniac". 'Nuff said.
3. People who do not wash their hands after using a restroom, especially public ones. There are enough diseases in the world without having to add to their numbers.

So, those are the only really pressing issues on my mind at the moment. I'm sure that I could think of more later, but I'll just add to this when necessary. Which, with my luck lately, shall be very soon.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

You've made it through the storm this far.

I have a list of songs that I love.
Words that speak directly to my soul.
They always know what I am going through.
Regardless of the moment.
A list of music that I keep hidden from everyone.
It's a list of all of my best-kept secrets.
Songs that I would be angry if my friends knew.
Such a "disillusioned generation".
Does that make me selfish, or just set apart from the crowd?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Who do you want to be? Pick one.

So, I've now started even another blog to fulfill my journaling appetite.
Actually, I've come to understand that as much as I really want to, I am incapable of writing down my thoughts.
I am a product of the computer age.
It seem I can only type my thoughts out.
And I have a hard enough time with that as it is.
Making me write it all by hand...dear God, no.
What has this world come to?